Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to Increase Your Hops and Dunk Using Squats

!±8± How to Increase Your Hops and Dunk Using Squats

When you try to do squats with hops a couple of things to improve. Especially want to use the proper technique at all times. This will prevent injuries and reduce stress on the body. Next you want to build a base of strength with lighter weights so that gradually increase poundage used. Last but not least, you really want to integrate different variants squat exercise. She constantly challenge themselves to become stronger. We begin withthe most important thing is the correct technique.

The right technique

The proper technique of a house is first occupied the legs shoulder width or slightly wider than shoulder width apart with your feet on a side. If your attitude you want to make sure that when you go to the squat, your knees start their stay in line with your toes. Next, you want to make sure that as you lower your body and bend your legs to keep your back straight andstick your butt out to the back to make sure your knees do not bend out past your toes. If you are not used to doing this you will need to perfect this with no weights to avoid any injury.

Building Strength

Once you perfect your technique you want to begin to add weight to your workout. You can start with canned goods or light dumbbells as a starting point. Use this method and weight for about a week then try to up the weight slightly. Once you become comfortable with squatting correctly, try to lift about ¼ your body weight. This is a safe weight that will challenge you to push through the easy stages of strength. DO NOT try to jump in and lift 300lbs when you first start this, you will surely injure yourself. It will come with time and because you will be doing it gradually, the strength you gain will be sustainable over a period of time.

Squat Exercise Ideas

Now that you have built up a strength base you can now move into different variations of squats to really challenge yourself. Because I could not continue to add weight to the squats, I had to get creative so I begin to do delayed squats. I would squat and hold it for five seconds, then rise back up. This is a great way to challenge your muscles without any additional weight. You could also begin to squat jump with weights. Use those canned goods to squat, hold and explode into the air.

These are some simple but very effective tips on how to increase your vertical jump with squats. If you use proper technique, continuously build up your strength, and gradually lift more weight, I can guarantee that you will increase you vertical jump.

How to Increase Your Hops and Dunk Using Squats

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